Youth Spaghetti Dinner, April 22nd

The Youth Groups held their 4th Annual Spaghetti Dinner at 6:00 PM on Sunday, April 22nd.  We want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who helped to make this dinner such a huge success!  To all the help in the kitchen, all the kids who worked so hard, everyone who donated desserts, spaghetti, sauce, salad fixings, meatballs, sausage, and time - thank you!  To all who came and enjoyed eating the spaghetti and gave monetary donations - thank you!  To all who helped set up and clean up - thank you!  We appreciate every one of you.  We are happy to report that the monetary donations totaled $738.00 - the best we've ever raised in the years since this has started!  This money will be used for the youth mission trip to Roanoke, VA where our youth will be sharing God’s love by helping a community in need. Without all of you this wouldn't be possible.

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