Answering our Call to Serve


As we prepare the annual report for the Discipleship Committee we remember the good that is done through Trinity's outreach. God calls us to help those in need, and we wanted to share some of the ways we as members answer that call. It is amazing and satisfying to see the things a congregation in a small rural town can accomplish to help God's people near and far.

Locally, we continue to offer and award help through our Miles To Mend Program to assist community members with various needs. A free meal is provided once a month to share food and companionship. A homeless young man was given, food, clothing and a place to park his van. Clothing is collected and distributed in our First Day Fresh Impressions event held at Trinity. In 2019 we collected enough clothing to invite neighboring communities to "shop". Food is collected and delivery assistance is given to the St John's Food Closet.

Outside of our area, the support received from our members helped to furnish homes for four families in the Brethren Housing Association (BHA) Program for homeless mothers and children. Also assisting the needs of people outside of our area were a group of adults and youth from Trinity that provided assistance in feeding underprivileged children, provided companionship to nursing home residents and worked in a large warehouse to prepare items to be used for mission work.

Outside the US, Medicine bottles are collected and sent to people in Africa with no means of keeping medication dry and safe. And, our most recent response to support the Water Access Relief Initiative through Passion Rescue Mission.

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